The next day arrived to the library and the
garden like the day before – following the
movement of stars.
One of them was called science, the other
one – art: in no particular order.
Two days dreamed of a company as good
as this one: curious, ready to drift across
millions of years, attentive to each other
and to the world around them.
You never regretted to have been a part of
A two-day event cross-examining the
diversity of properties (material,
intellectual, sensible, etc.) of the
university campus where a multiauthored
hypothesis about its content is
created at the end of the event.
Some participants called it a self-guided
collective tour, others – an unfinished
game whose rules were changing
Some haven’t made-up their minds yet.
On Campus
14–15 February 2017
Curated by Raimundas Malašauskas
MUMA (Monash Museum of Modern Art)
Barbara Ainsworth, Belle Bassin, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Grazia Gunn, Duane W Hamacher,
George Kara, Prue Lang, Liquid Architecture (Joel Stern & Danni Zuvela), Marcos Lutyens,
Nicholas Mangan, Camila Marambio, Elizabeth Newman, Tom Nicholson, Dr Andrew Prentice,
Stuart Ringholt, Mark Shorter, Nicholas Tammens, Žiga Testen and more.
The following images feature experimental early stage work by myself & Tim Darbyshire, and then Agatha Gothe-Snape and Brian Fuata

MUMA, Monash, On Campus

MUMA, Monash, On Campus